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Audio System - On Place, On Pick and Options System Refactor

A audio system to the Ultimate Grid Inventory has arrived! Now you can preset two type of audios, on place and on pick. And refactor in Options System to scriptable objects.

A logo from Ultimate Grid Inventory asset

Ultimate Grid Inventory

Published on July 13, 2022


🎧 Audio System

We have developed an audio system based on Scriptable Objects.

❗ Important Classes

AudioSo: Holds the audio settings for an AudioClip.
AudioSoLoading image

AudioStateSo: Manages multiple AudioSo objects, allowing for random or sequential playback of clips to enhance user experience.
AudioStateSoLoading image

AudioCueSo: Contains two AudioStateSo objects—onBeingPlace and onBeingPicked. This is used in the Draggable Controller to trigger audio during interactions.
AudioCueSoLoading image

⚙️ Options System Refactor

The Options System has been refactored to use Scriptable Objects, making it easier to add options to items. Simply create an OptionSo Scriptable Object and add it to the options property in ItemDataSo.


  • Potion Item
    Potion Item in demoLoading image

  • Backpack Item
    Backpack Item in demoLoading image

➕ Additions & Changes

Added: Inventory Audio Controller

An Inventory Audio Controller has been added to the InventoryManager prefab, along with an Audio Source as a child component to manage audio playback (making it easy to add your own audio source).

Draggable Controller Updates

Minor updates have been made to the Draggable Controller to trigger the onBeingPlace and onBeingPick events. Audio feedback is also applied to actions like equipping/unequipping in Container Holders.

New Wav Files

We've added several WAV files to provide default audio effects for items.